A Eucharistic song that highlights the way we can be a thanksgiving (eucharist) for others. Purchase includes lifetime license for the purchaser and permission to play the piece in liturgical groups the purchaser is part of.
Come take your place at the Banquet of Love
Come with your faults and concerns;
Take what is given and give in return
Come to the Banquet of Love.
When you break break, remember my love—
What I have taught and have done.
Bread for your body is food for your soul;
New life has only begin!
A song of hope in times of distress.
Where two or three are gathered together in my name,
There shall I be among you.
Be humble as the children who gather at my feet,
For theirs is the kingdom of God.
Who is the greatest in the king off our God?
The one who is humble and lowly,
Whose hand reaches out to there Father in trust,
Is given the bread of new life.
A Eucharistic song that highlights the way we can be a thanksgiving (eucharist) for others. Purchase includes lifetime license for the purchaser and permission to play the piece in liturgical groups the purchaser is part of.
Come take your place at the Banquet of Love
Come with your faults and concerns;
Take what is given and give in return
Come to the Banquet of Love.
When you break break, remember my love—
What I have taught and have done.
Bread for your body is food for your soul;
New life has only begin!
A Eucharistic song, based on the Bread of Life discourses in John 8, this song puts us at the center, with Jesus, of the need to heal the world.
Take this Bread, Taken, blessed and brown for us all
Take this cup, poured out for the world
Take and eat this Body, drink this cup of Suffering love
And go and feed it to a sick and hungry world.
All who eat of my bread, and all who drink of my blood
Have life everlasting;
I’ll raise them up on the last day
Combining Christ’s command to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14-16) with the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3–12, Luke 6:20-22), this piece inspires us to make our light shine for those in need.
You are the light of the world, lt it shine, let it shine
So bright that others might see it!
You are the light of the world, lt it shine, let it shine
So bright that others might see.
Bless are the poor in spirit,
They shall attain the kingdom of God.
And blessed are they who weep and mourn,
Comfort shall be theirs.
A Christmas meditation from the heart of a Mother pondering her Son’s future,
Go to sleep, little child, close your eyes for awhile, the world is quiet, dark and cold;
In my arms safe and warm, far from anguish and harm from tonight till you’re not so very old.
See the stars overhead shines on your little bed made from straw and what planks are lying ‘round;
Dreams of angels and light, apples trees and delight and a boy’s joy in creatures he has found;
Dreams of angels and light, apples trees and delight and a boy’s joy in creatures he has found.
The story of Christmas told with universal overtones.
On the first day of Christmas, a great star shone in the east
Many visitors came by to see from great to very kleast
They left their gifts, their ends of love, and left with hope reborn
Then mother, father, child turned in to wait ti coming morn.
O gloria! O gloria! The world goes round and round
O gloria! O gloria! It spoils without a sound
O gloria! O gloria! Day follows after day
THere’s nothing new beneath the sun they say.
I’m trying, even when others don’t see it.
I’m trying, Lord. Can’t you see that I’m trying to get near to you?
Can’t you see that my arms are held outstretched to you?
Oh, can’t you see — can’t you help me, can’t you help me find the way?
You know me. You know how hard I’ve tried to keep your word
But it must seem to you I haven’t learned
The simplest lessons that you sow along my way
But can you bear with me another day?
I’m not perfect, but there’s one thing I can say….
Placing our lives into the hands of God based on Psalm 31.
Into your hands, we give to you our lives and everlasting thanksgiving and
Trusting in you to save us from the net of our foes.
My bones full of sorrow, my days full of grief;
My bones groan to carry the load.
But you are my refuge, a rock for my feet—
Have mercy on me, O my God!
A song of Lenten penitence
Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison
Lord, have mercy on us all. We have failed to heed your call.
We have failed you one and all. Lord, Have mercy on us all.
This lyrical light paraphrase of the Lord’s Prayer is designed to help listeners and singers to more deeply ap[preciuate the meanings of the familiar words of the Our Father.
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be thy name
May thy kingdom extend over Earth and Heaven the same
Give us all that we long for — water, good food to eat
Be our shelter hand and helper until in your presence we meet