Easter Sequence (Easter Alleluia) (license and verses)

Marys at empty tomb.png
Marys at empty tomb.png

Easter Sequence (Easter Alleluia) (license and verses)


Marty Haugen wrote a wonderful adaptation of the classic hymn Easter Alleluia. With this adaptation of Victimae paschali laudes, your congregation can share in the joyful story of Mary Magdalene's discovery of the empty tomb! 

Use the words for choir alone (with Haugen's harmonies), or let the assembly sing it -- maybe with with women getting the "Mary " verses, men getting the questioning verses, and everyone ending the song together.

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Christians, give voice to our joy, let us sing

Hymns to the Paschaltide Victim and King!

Praises and thankfulness o-offering. Alleluia!


Lamb saving sheep: let all ravening cease;

Christ, the Just, granting the guilty release;

Sinners return to God’s table in peace. Alleluia!